Friday, January 13, 2012

Focus Friday

"Whatever we focus on is bound to expand. Where we see the negative, we call forth more negative. And where we see the positive, we call forth more positive. Having loved and lost, I now love more passionately. Having won and lost, I now win more soberly. Having tasted the bitter, I now savor the sweet."
 Marianne Williamson 

The weather this week has been absolutely amazing!  I know there are a lot of you out there hoping for some snow (including Abby) but I am LOVING these mild temperatures.  I've been a bit down about my weight, it's stayed the same for the most part but that's my own fault.  I decided that this week I NEEDED start exercising.  Not an easy task with a toddler and infant so we got out walking twice this week.

First, we headed over to Jefferson Patterson Park which has a really cool Indian Village.  I love it here because I can let Abby run freely and much of the path is paved so it's easy to walk with the stroller.  And yes, those are bones she's playing with... strange, right?

We even took a little detour closer to the water, an area we haven't been to yet.

Then I had the bright idea to go on a real adventure and take the girls to the zoo.  We're about an hour away from DC and I love when we get the chance to take advantage of all the free stuff it has to offer.  We usually take the Metro in but I decided against such a long ride with 'Screaming Lilly' so we drove (you're very welcome fellow Metro riders!).  I guess January doesn't bring many people to the zoo which made it our nicest visit yet!  Even the animals were happy to see us!

 It was actually this little guys birthday!

 The day at the zoo took a lot out of Abby and my girl who hasn't ridden in a stroller in almost a year insisted on being driven back to the car.  We already went out and bought a Sit and Stand Stroller in case this happens again!
There was one morning that kind of got the best of me and I woke up kinda grumpy (being woken up 2-3 times a night will do that to a person!).  But then I looked outside and saw this:

What a pretty start to a day (that began way too early)!


  1. Watching KLV run free in our green space feels so good. I don't have to stop her, force her to hold my hand or yell freeze if she gets more than 15 feet away from me. Good luck on the getting healthier. Just remember if you want it bad enough you'll make it happen.

  2. Those morning pictures are beautiful! I've been trying to walk more, too, but it's hard with two kids! And now the sidewalks are really icy and it's really cold. *sigh* I love snow, but hate ice!



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